Current projects you can fund
Artist Residency
A 4 month yearly program that provides free studio space, mentorship and guidance for an artist to help artists grow and further their career.
Selected artists will be given studio space at Something Cool Studios for a period of six months at no cost to them. Artists will be paired with mentors based on their needs and areas they are looking to expand their expertise in. The residency will culminate in a group show at Something Cool Studios.
Application s are currently closed but please stay tuned for the next open call!
Community Workshops
Low cost art workshops for community members including mentorship and classes led by professional artists and experts in their respective fields.
Workshops covering topics such as art 101, mural making, screen printing, copyright law for artists and more.
If you’d like to sign up for our workshops mailing list please click the link below. If you are have a workshop you would like to teach please reach out to us through our contact form.
Alleyway Revitalization
East Austin alleyway clean up project with the aim to make these areas safe to walk or bike through by providing cleanup, lighting, landscaping and art.
The alleyways in East Austin have long been neglected and many of them have become a place for trash and drug use. The project will commission artists to add murals and art installations along the alleyways as well as partner up with businesses and residents along the alleyways to create a project that is longterm and self sustainable.